Jamaican Pumpkin 4kg




Collections: Produce, Vegetables

Product type: Vegetable

Vendor: PanChef

Tags: Halloween, jamaica pumpkin, Pumpkin



Pumpkin originated in Jamaica.

Product Of Jamaica.

Jamaican Pumpkin -known as (Calabaza) is a squash variety, grown Widely in Jamaica throughout Caribbean as well in the Central - and South America . It is a creeping, annual tropical vine with large lobed leaves and branching tendrils; the flesh of the fruit is bright orange. The flowers are yellow and pollination is done by bees.
The leaves are mottled and grayish green in color. The fruits vary in size, shape, and color owing to outcrossing and strain selection.
fruit weighs about 5-12 pounds, and is round and flattened a bit on the top and bottom. Its colors are mottled green or yellow and buff-cream. The taste is sweet and Calabaza is used in many west Indianian Latin and Chinese dishes.